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    Station Closure
    North Wilmington is closed on the weekend of September 14th-15th to allow for rail replacement work. Please consider boarding a Lowell Line train from Wilmington station.

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December 2023
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Train 2201 Train V2201 Train 2203 Train V2203 Train 2205 Train V2205 Train 2207 Train V2207 Train 2209 Train V2209 Train 2211 Train V2211 Train 2213 Train V2213 Train 2215 Train V2215
Bicycles Allowed? bike
Bicycles allowed
Bicycles not allowed
Bicycles allowed
Bicycles not allowed
Bicycles allowed
Bicycles not allowed
Bicycles allowed
Bicycles not allowed
Bicycles allowed
Bicycles not allowed
Bicycles allowed
Bicycles not allowed
Bicycles allowed
Bicycles not allowed
Bicycles allowed
Bicycles not allowed
North Station
Parking available accessible
    7:00 AM   Does not stop at North Station     9:00 AM   Does not stop at North Station     11:15 AM   Does not stop at North Station     1:15 PM   Does not stop at North Station     3:15 PM   Does not stop at North Station     5:15 PM   Does not stop at North Station     8:15 PM   Does not stop at North Station     11:30 PM   Does not stop at North Station
Parking available accessible
  Flag Stop 7:46 AM   Does not stop at Ballardvale   Flag Stop 9:46 AM   Does not stop at Ballardvale   Flag Stop 12:01 PM   Does not stop at Ballardvale   Flag Stop 2:01 PM   Does not stop at Ballardvale   Flag Stop 4:01 PM   Does not stop at Ballardvale   Flag Stop 6:01 PM   Does not stop at Ballardvale   Flag Stop 9:01 PM   Does not stop at Ballardvale     12:16 AM   Does not stop at Ballardvale
Parking available accessible
  Flag Stop 7:51 AM   Does not stop at Andover   Flag Stop 9:51 AM   Does not stop at Andover   Flag Stop 12:06 PM   Does not stop at Andover   Flag Stop 2:06 PM   Does not stop at Andover   Flag Stop 4:06 PM   Does not stop at Andover   Flag Stop 6:06 PM   Does not stop at Andover   Flag Stop 9:06 PM   Does not stop at Andover     12:21 AM   Does not stop at Andover
Parking available accessible
    7:58 AM   Does not stop at Lawrence     9:58 AM   Does not stop at Lawrence     12:13 PM   Does not stop at Lawrence     2:13 PM   Does not stop at Lawrence     4:13 PM   Does not stop at Lawrence     6:13 PM   Does not stop at Lawrence     9:13 PM   Does not stop at Lawrence     12:28 AM   Does not stop at Lawrence
Parking available accessible
Track Change   8:16 AM       8:21 AM   Track Change   10:16 AM       10:21 AM   Track Change   12:31 PM       12:36 PM   Track Change   2:31 PM       2:36 PM   Track Change   4:31 PM       4:36 PM   Track Change   6:31 PM       6:36 PM   Track Change   9:31 PM       9:36 PM   Track Change   12:46 AM       12:51 AM  
Parking available accessible
Does not stop at Haverhill     8:26 AM   Does not stop at Haverhill     10:26 AM   Does not stop at Haverhill     12:41 PM   Does not stop at Haverhill     2:41 PM   Does not stop at Haverhill     4:41 PM   Does not stop at Haverhill     6:41 PM   Does not stop at Haverhill     9:41 PM   Does not stop at Haverhill     12:56 AM  

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