Rider Rules and Regulations

Help us maintain a safe and enjoyable experience for all MBTA riders by avoiding the following list of items and activities on our buses and trains.
Learn more about MBTA safety policies
Prohibited Activities and Items
Violations of prohibited MBTA activities and use and carry of prohibited items on vehicles and in stations may result in tickets, fines and/or arrest.
Service animals are allowed on the T at all times. Allowing animals off leash, out of carriers, and/or taking up vehicle seats is not permitted.
Small domestic animals are allowed at all times if they're in a secure animal carrier. Keep carriers on your lap, if possible, and away from vehicle doors, especially during rush hour.
Larger pet dogs that don't fit in a carrier are not allowed on the T during peak hours (weekdays 7 – 9 AM and 4 – 7 PM). Larger dogs are allowed during off-peak hours if they're kept on a leash.
Riders should avoid bringing pets onto the T during holidays or large events, such as the Boston Marathon. MBTA personnel have the right to restrict pet access to T vehicles and stations within their own judgment due to conditions such as crowds or the animal’s behavior.
Large items are not permitted on the T. This includes:
- Appliances
- Dirt bikes
- Furniture
- Instrument set-ups
- Large machinery
- Motorcycles
- Retail or grocery store shopping carts
Food and drink must remain in closed containers. Please be considerate and avoid eating or drinking on MBTA vehicles and in stations.
The MBTA is a public space. Drinking alcohol from an open container in public is illegal.
Riders cannot bring the following items into MBTA vehicles and stations:
- Dynamite
- Gasoline
- Gunpowder
- Fireworks
- Hoverboards
- Propane tanks
- Pure alcohol
- Uncovered oil or grease containers
- Weapons or firearms
Riders who use respirators and portable oxygen supplies are permitted to board vehicles and enter stations with their items.
Do not dispose of trash on the tracks as it can cause track fires and service delays.
Littering in MBTA vehicles and stations can result in fines or tickets. Be sure to remove all trash before leaving MBTA property.
Using mobile or music devices without headphones in MBTA stations and vehicles is prohibited.
Avoid loud conversations in person and on mobile devices when riding on the T.
Riders cannot interfere with MBTA duties and operations.
Trespassing, littering, loitering, and walking on tracks and busways is not permitted.
Sitting on or obstructing MBTA entrances, stairways and escalators is also prohibited.
Smoking, vaping and use of e-cigarettes are prohibited in all MBTA stations and vehicles.
Biking, skateboarding, rollerskating, and hoverboarding are not permitted in MBTA vehicles and stations. Bikes are prohibited on all green line trains and platforms, and during rush hour on other lines.
Motorized vehicles are permitted if used as a mobility device for people with disabilities.

The MBTA welcomes bicycles on most transit modes, with the exception of during rush hours.
Bike parking is also available at many subway and Commuter Rail stations.
Filming and Performing on MBTA Property
Photos and videos taken in stations and on vehicles without commercial approval are for personal use only. Images of restricted areas (e.g. areas that are not open to the public or marked with "employees only") are not permitted.
Want to use MBTA stations or property to film or perform?
The MBTA has provided the backdrop to numerous film and TV sets and local performers, but doing so without a permit may result in a fine, ticket, or arrest.
Rider Etiquette
Good manners go a long way toward a smooth transit experience. Follow these tips so you and your fellow riders have a pleasant journey.
Boarding and exiting
Please let passengers exit the vehicle before attempting to board, especially during rush hours. This helps speed up service.
When boarding any vehicle, please move all the way in, as far away from the doors as possible. This helps make room for other passengers.
Seating courtesy
Priority seating is available on all vehicles. Please leave these seats vacant or offer your seat to older adults, pregnant people, and people with disabilities.
Be mindful of taking space
When riding the T, keep large personal items on the floor and out of the way of seats. Remove backpacks and move them to the floor or to the front of your person.
Avoid sitting on the stairs or in the aisles of MBTA vehicles.
Conduct on The Ride

The RIDE paratransit service provides door-to-door, shared-ride transportation to eligible people who can’t use the subway, bus, or trolley all or some of the time due to temporary or permanent disability.
If You See Something, Say Something

Report an emergency or incident
Dial 911 or call the MBTA Transit Police at 617-222-1212.
Report a problem or emergency with a railroad crossing
Call 1-800-522-8236
Download the MBTA See Say App for your iPhone or Android device to make anonymous reports 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You will get a response within a few minutes.
Lost and Found

The MBTA welcomes bicycles on most transit modes, with the exception of during rush hours.
Bike parking is also available at many subway and Commuter Rail stations.
Conduct on The Ride

The RIDE paratransit service provides door-to-door, shared-ride transportation to eligible people who can’t use the subway, bus, or trolley all or some of the time due to temporary or permanent disability.