Lynn Transit Action Plan

In early 2019, the MBTA Focus40 plan identified Lynn as a priority place to target potential improvements to public transportation.
The Lynn Transit Action Plan will identify strategies for faster, more reliable transit services for the city, into Boston, and throughout the North Shore. Changes may include improvements to bus, subway, ferry, and Commuter Rail service.
The goal of this effort is to make it easier for Lynn residents to get where they need to go with public transit. In the long-run, this analysis and discovery will uncover how both large and small improvements to transportation can help Lynn become better connected and more integrated in the region’s economy.
Building a Better T
As part of our $9.6 billion, 5-year capital investment plan, we're renovating stations, modernizing fare collection systems, upgrading services for our buses, subways, and ferries, and improving the accessibility of the entire system.
The Lynn Transit Action Plan is assessing demand and needs across relevant modes of transit to provide recommendations for low-cost changes for the near-term, like dedicated bus lanes, bicycle and pedestrian access to transit, and service changes. It will also address larger, long-term investments.
Advisory Committee
The project team put together an Advisory Committee to provide input on the process and findings throughout all phases of the project. The Advisory Committee includes elected officials, business owners, community groups, and city staff from across Lynn.
Project Phases
To ensure recommendations are effective, feasible, and meet the needs of the community, each phase is incorporating rigorous analysis and input from local transit riders and residents as well the Advisory Committee.
Understanding Existing Conditions
Analysis of demographics, transit operations, development and employment trends in the community, and the main causes of transit delays. Existing MBTA service is being evaluated to understand how it can better meet current and future transportation needs in the area.
Testing Potential Strategies
Evaluation of proposed concepts coming out of the initial findings, including changes to bus, subway, Commuter Rail, and ferry service. Strategies evaluated range from quick-build improvements, like bus lanes, to larger capital construction projects and service changes.
Developing Recommendations
Consensus and finalization of concepts for short-, medium-, and long-term changes that will improve service transit speed, reliability, and connectivity. Recommendations will include conceptual designs and cost estimates, as well as implementation plans.
Final Report - July 2020
Completed in July 2020, the Lynn Transit Action Plan reports our process, data analysis findings, and recommendations for the city’s public transit. Since the summer of 2020, the City of Lynn, the MBTA, and MassDOT have collaborated to implement several recommendations, including bus lanes on North Common Street and the southern section of Western Avenue, as well as a network of bike lanes.
View the Lynn Transit Action Plan
What We Heard: Advisory Committee and Public Input Survey
Through data analysis and public engagement opportunities, the project team examined how residents of Lynn and the North Shore move throughout the region to identify strategies for improving MBTA service.
The Advisory Committee has met 4 times since the launch of the project. You can view the presentations and read the summary notes below.
From September to November 2019, the project team distributed a survey to over 1,000 transit riders in Lynn. The survey asked respondents about their transit use, destinations, and priorities for improvements to transit service.
View results from the public input survey
By analyzing data from the survey and other sources, the project team determined how residents of Lynn and the North Shore move throughout the region. You can see the key takeaways from the Existing Conditions analysis in English or Spanish.
Based on the findings of the data analysis and stakeholder engagement, the project team identified several potential strategies for improving MBTA service throughout Lynn and the North Shore. These strategies include implementing bus lanes on high ridership corridors with frequent bus service, as well as studying the market potential for larger-scale changes such as ferry service.
Separate efforts, including Rail Vision and Bus Network Redesign, are identifying opportunities to improve Commuter Rail service and bus service to better meet the mobility needs across the entire region. The Lynn Transit Action Plan will reference these recommendations as they relate to Lynn.
On Tuesday, February 11, the project team presented these potential strategies along with our findings at an Open House held at North Shore Community College.
Tell Us What You Think
How do you think transit could be improved in Lynn? We want to hear from you.
Your feedback will guide our recommendations, help us evaluate options, and provide insight into how these changes may impact current and future public transit in Lynn and the surrounding areas.
If you’d like to share your ideas with us, or if you’re interested in seeing our team at an event in your community, email Alexandra Markiewicz, at
You can also get project updates delivered to your inbox.
Past Events
For more information on potential transit improvement strategies and other ongoing studies and projects in Lynn, use the links below to view PDFs from the project Open House.
- Condiciones existentes: Comprendiendo los patrones y necesidades actuales de viaje
- Beneficios de un carril de autobús
- Concepto de carril de autobús: Calle Common y calle Market
- Concepto de carril de autobús: Lynnway (Ruta 1A)
- Concepto de carril de autobus/bicicleta: Avenida Western (Ruta 107)
- Evaluación del mercado para el servicio de ferry a Boston
Contact Information
For all queries and comments related to the Lynn Transit Action plan, please contact Alexandra Markiewicz at
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Building a Better T
As part of our $9.6 billion, 5-year capital investment plan, we're renovating stations, modernizing fare collection systems, upgrading services for our buses, subways, and ferries, and improving the accessibility of the entire system.
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Our long-range capital plan will position the MBTA to meet the needs of Greater Boston through 2040.
Rail Vision
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Too many of our bus routes still fail to live up to our own standards. Through the Better Bus Project, we're changing that.