Gloucester Drawbridge Replacement Progress Recap, March – June 2022
Updated on September 7, 2022

The MBTA is pleased to provide this project update on construction progress from March through June 2022.
Return of Service
The MBTA re-opened the Gloucester Drawbridge on May 23, 2022, restoring service to Gloucester and Rockport Stations.
See Newburyport/Rockport Line service alerts
Building a Better T
As part of our $9.6 billion, 5-year capital investment plan, we're renovating stations, modernizing fare collection systems, upgrading services for our buses, subways, and ferries, and improving the accessibility of the entire system.
East Approach Spans
In April, crews finished the removal of the temporary construction trestles which were used to support the gantry crane system and facilitate construction of the new bridge. The setting of the approach precast box beams was also completed in April.
After the box beams were placed, the concrete deck was formed and poured over the frame.

Once the deck concrete was cured, waterproofing was applied. The ballast curbs, walkway, and railings were also constructed.

Pier 2 and Machinery Room
Pier 2 houses the machinery needed to move the bridge. The access stairway to the machinery room was installed, along with access ladders and hatches. Millwrights and engineers took measurements and made fine adjustments to machinery and alignment of the northern bascule. Meanwhile, electricians worked on connecting power and controls to the machinery room.

Track 2 Rail
With the northern bascule span set in place, Track 2 (northern track) work began. At the west approach, crews installed the track leading up to the bridge structure.

Workers installed the track leading up to the west bridge approach. On the bridge structure, workers adjusted and aligned the rail joints. East of the draw span, track was installed over the deck-over-counterweight beams.

The deck-over-counterweight beams span over Pier 2, the trunnion pier, and support the track above.
Signals, Controls & Power
The testing of the signal system to support the return of trains on the southern structure and Track 1 (south track) was completed. For the northern bascule, work has progressed in connecting the power and controls from the machinery room at Pier 2 to the control tower.

West Abutment & Fender System
The granite stone masonry of the west abutment was grouted and repointed.

Crews have been working at low tides to install the remaining bottom fender boards.

The fender platform adjacent to Pier 2 was completed.
Upcoming Work
- Remaining Track 2 work
- Bridge controls testing of northern bascule
For More Information
If you have questions or comments, please email the team at
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Building a Better T
As part of our $9.6 billion, 5-year capital investment plan, we're renovating stations, modernizing fare collection systems, upgrading services for our buses, subways, and ferries, and improving the accessibility of the entire system.