Gloucester Drawbridge Replacement March 2021 Progress Recap
Updated on April 6, 2021
The MBTA is pleased to provide you with this update of project activities completed in March 2021 and ongoing or upcoming work for April 2021.
East Abutment
The reinforced concrete walkways that are to run along the north and south sides of the abutment were formed and poured. Once railings are anchored in the walkways, they will be complete.
Control Tower
In the control tower, installation of new conduit and wiring of critical electrical, signal, and system controls equipment continues. Once completed, the new control tower will operate the bridge.
Pier 1
Both of the drilled shafts that support the pier have been installed. These shafts were drilled down through the soil strata into bedrock, where they were embedded into approximately 20 feet of rock. Both drilled shafts ended up being a little over 90 feet long. After drilling, the reinforcing cages were installed and both shafts were filled with concrete.

Pier 2
Work has progressed on Pier 2, which will hold the trunnion tower and the machinery for the new moveable bascule span. The lower portion of the south fascia wall has been constructed.
West Causeway
The installation of a steel sheeting wall along the south side of the west causeway continues. This wall will support the relocated southern track.
Coming in April 2021
- Installation of the new fender system for the navigational channel.
- Construction of the east approach spans, including installation of precast concrete box beams.
- Work on the west abutment will begin, including modifications to the abutment to accommodate the new bridge superstructure.