Bus Network Redesign Approval and Final Report
Updated on May 2, 2023

On November 17, 2022, The MBTA Board of Directors voted to approve the revised Bus Network Redesign. On December 15 that same year, the board voted to accept the results of the Title VI Equity Analysis. These two votes allow us to move forward with implementation of the network redesign.
Bus Network Redesign Final Report
MassDOT and the MBTA have released the Bus Network Redesign final report. This concludes the redesign’s planning stages and marks the beginning of implementation.
Highlights from the report include:
- Reasons for why the current bus network needs to change
- Goals of the redesign and how the approved network changes meet those goals
- Summary of the redesign process, public engagement, and how public feedback shaped the final outcome
- Estimated operating and capital requirements of the redesign
- Details on what will change
Moving to Implementation
The MBTA will implement the Bus Network Redesign over the next several years.
The MBTA is already working on constructing bus priority infrastructure, including bus layover spaces, bus stops, signage, and signals. However, changing bus operations and increasing service will depend on the number of new bus operators we are able to hire.
For More Information
To stay informed on the implementation of the network redesign, sign up for email updates below or check the Bus Network Redesign webpage.
Additional Resources
View the static map below to see changes at the regional level or use the interactive map to get detailed information at the street level.