Ashmont Branch and Mattapan Line Track Upgrades

In October 2023, we made major track improvements across the Red Line’s Ashmont Branch and Mattapan Line.
Crews replaced ties and completed full-depth track replacement at several locations along the lines. Replacing this track helped address speed restrictions and bring a smoother ride for passengers.
Rider Benefits
- Safety: New rails, ties, and ballast reduce the risk of unplanned service disruptions
- Reliability: Increase speed for a more consistent schedule
Building a Better T
As part of our $9.6 billion, 5-year capital investment plan, we're renovating stations, modernizing fare collection systems, upgrading services for our buses, subways, and ferries, and improving the accessibility of the entire system.
Past Events
- Ashmont Branch & Mattapan 16-Day Surge Community Open House Events (PDF, 1.2 MB)
- (PDF, 840 KB) فرع أشمونت وماتابان، فعالیات اللقاءات المجتمعیة المفتوحة لمدة 16 یوم ا
- Travaux accélérés de 16 jours sur les lignes Ashmont et Mattapan Journées portes ouvertes communautaires (PDF, 1.2 MB)
- Trabajo rápido de 16 días en las líneas Ashmont y Mattapan Jornadas de puertas abiertas en la comunidad (PDF, 1.2 MB)
- Hawlaha 16da-Malin ee Laga Fullin Doono Ashmont iyo Mattapan Munaasabadaha Guriga Furan (PDF, 799 KB)
- Chi Nhánh Ashmont & Mattapan, Chuỗi Sự Kiện Mở Dành Cho Cộng Đồng Phát Triển 16 Ngày (PDF, 851 KB)
- 16 dias de eventos abertos à comunidade para a melhoria da estação Ashmont e Mattapan (PDF, 796 KB)
- Travay rapid 16 jou sou branch Ashmont ak Mattapan yo Evènman pòt ouvè kominotè (PDF, 1.2 MB)
- 16-Dia di Suspenson di Servissu na Ramal di Ashmont & Mattapan Eventus Komunitárius pa Informason (PDF, 838 KB)
- Ashmont 分部和 Mattapan 为期 16 天的社区开放日活动 (PDF, 836 KB)
Contact Us
For questions and comments related to this project or our public meetings, please contact
Related Projects
Building a Better T
As part of our $9.6 billion, 5-year capital investment plan, we're renovating stations, modernizing fare collection systems, upgrading services for our buses, subways, and ferries, and improving the accessibility of the entire system.