Healey-Driscoll Administration Celebrates over $25 Million in Federal Funding for Three Critical Transportation Projects
Posted on June 26, 2024
RAISE Program grants include $22 for MBTA’s Lower Broadway Everett Transit Priority Corridor Project, $2 million for South Salem Train Stop Project, $1.2 million for Gardner’s downtown.
The Healey-Driscoll Administration today celebrated over $25 million in competitive Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) federal grant funds for three critical transportation projects across the state. The RAISE grant program provides investments in surface transportation infrastructure that have a significant local or regional impact.
“These grant awards will be a critical boost to our efforts to ensure our transportation system is reliable and accessible for all of our residents and support the vibrancy of our downtowns. Our administration is committed to competing for federal funding opportunities like this that will improve quality of life in Massachusetts communities,” said Governor Maura Healey. “We thank the Biden-Harris administration, U.S. DOT and our Congressional delegation for making this funding available.”
"As the former Mayor of Salem, I'm thrilled to see these federal funds come into our state to promote projects like South Salem's Train Stop Program. Investing in transportation infrastructure is key to supporting our cities and towns, and the impact of doing so goes beyond getting people from point A to point B," said Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll. "Not only will the Salem commuter rail connect the community's largest employers – Salem State and Salem Hospital – with public transit, but these funds will also provide opportunities for additional housing and transit related development. We're grateful to the Biden-Harris administration, U.S. DOT, our partners in Congress, as well as all of the local officials here in Massachusetts, that helped fight to this funding."
“We are grateful to the Biden Administration and our congressional delegation for all their work to secure a major grant of $22 million for the Everett and Boston communities to advance critical bus, bike, and pedestrian improvements. We also thank federal officials and the delegation for securing funds to advance design of a second Salem Commuter Rail stop and to study accessibility upgrades for Gardner’s downtown area,” said Transportation Secretary Monica Tibbits-Nutt. “This federal funding for public transportation from the RAISE grant program will help us advance the Healey-Driscoll Administration’s goals for an equitable and accessible state transportation system. By expanding mobility options and improving access to public transportation, we can make improvements which increase the economic vitality of Environmental Justice Communities.”
“The MBTA is grateful for this major federal award that prioritizes safety and will improve the commutes of thousands of our bus riders and the Everett community as a whole – we are deeply grateful to the cities of Everett and Boston for collaborating with us on this grant application. We are also pleased to see the City of Salem provided the necessary funds to advance design on a second Commuter Rail stop in the City,” said MBTA General Manager Phillip Eng. “RAISE grants are intended to support transportation projects that connect people and communities, which creates jobs and supports economic growth. With the collaboration of our partner municipalities, we will now deliver long-awaited service to transit-hungry neighborhoods. Under the leadership of the Healey-Driscoll Administration, we continue to be aggressive in seeking all available federal discretionary funds as they are a critical component in our wider efforts to deliver safe, reliable, and improved transit for everyone. We appreciate the support of the Healey-Driscoll Administration, congressional delegation, local officials, our partner cities and towns, and the many riders who will benefit from these upcoming projects.”
More on the Lower Broadway Everett Transit Priority Corridor Project

The MBTA received $22 million in RAISE funds to construct hybrid center-running bus lanes and make bike and pedestrian improvements along the Lower Broadway corridor in Everett through the Lower Broadway Everett Transit Priority Corridor Project. The Lower Broadway and Alford Street corridor is the primary connection between Everett and Boston, providing almost 250 bus trips every day through Everett, Chelsea, and Revere and connecting riders to Sullivan Square station on the Orange Line.
The project is a collaboration between MassDOT, the MBTA, the City of Everett, and the City of Boston and aims to reduce harmful emissions while improving safety for these historically disadvantaged communities. When complete, the project will introduce a faster and more reliable connection to the Sullivan Square Orange Line station and lay the groundwork for the future expansion of Silver Line BRT service to the City of Everett.
This project will construct new, fully separated bus-only lanes, fully separated bicycle facilities, improved pedestrian amenities, transit signal priority, new bus stops, and enhanced ADA amenities along the 1.2-mile Lower Broadway corridor. The new busway configuration reimagines how to move people to and from their destinations more efficiently, making better use of the limited deck space on the Alford Street Bridge. The project will also shift the busway and bikeways away from general purpose traffic.
“I am grateful to our federal delegation for their support of the many years of hard work and collaboration between Everett, the MBTA, and many others that culminated in the awarding of this grant that will bring rapid transit to Everett,” said City of Everett Mayor Mayor Carlo DeMaria. “Bus Rapid Transit along the Broadway corridor will most importantly improve the daily commutes of thousands of Everett residents and provide greater access to education and employment options, while also helping to advance redevelopment opportunities that will uplift Everett and the region.”
“We are thankful to our federal partners for this investment in a more sustainable, equitable transportation system,” said Boston Mayor Michelle Wu. “Bus priority infrastructure helps us meet the needs of all T riders. This project strengthens our connections between neighborhoods, economic centers, and educational institutions by enhancing existing bus service and providing for a future Silver Line extension to Sullivan Square. We look forward to collaborating with our partners at the MBTA and City of Everett to provide high-quality public transit to all of our residents.”
More on the South Salem Train Stop Project
The City of Salem received over $2 million to advance design to 100% of the South Salem Train Stop Project, which aims to design and construct a second Commuter Rail station in the City. The MBTA submitted a letter of support for this important transit expansion project.
The current Salem station on the Newburyport/Rockport Line is the busiest MBTA Commuter Rail station outside of Boston. The second proposed stop would connect the City’s
two largest employers to the MBTA Commuter Rail, meet many critical needs for the City, and expand transit options to and from the City. Increased transit options allow for mode shift from
cars, allowing for reduced congestions and traffic emissions. Mode shift is critical for the Commonwealth to meet its climate goals and allows the City to make sustainability advancements.
The MBTA will collaborate with the City throughout the planning and design process of the project.
Information about the project, including past and more current studies and presentations, can be found at www.salemma.gov/southsalemtrain. Those with questions or who wish to provide feedback about the project can send an email to southsalemtrain@salem.com to do so.
“I’m incredibly grateful to the Salem Partnership, USDOT and the Biden-Harris administration, MBTA, the Healey-Driscoll administration and its Federal Funds Office, and to our federal delegation – Senators Markey and Warren and Congressman Moulton – for all helping to make this grant possible,” said Salem Mayor Dominick Pangallo. “The creation of a South Salem commuter rail stop adjacent to our two largest private employers, Salem Hospital and Salem State University, will substantially reduce traffic congestion on some of our busiest roadways and better help us meet our emissions reduction goals, especially when combined with the electrification of the commuter rail line. The award of this significant federal funding to the project represents the first major forward progress on this long-awaited transportation project since the idea of a station in this part of Salem was initially raised 35 years ago. We still have years of work ahead to move the design forward, with lots of opportunities for public input and engagement, but today is certainly a historic day for this signature project.”
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