Old Colony Tie Replacement Project Underway Temporary Closure of Plymouth Station
Posted on November 2, 2010
Beginning Wednesday, November 3 and continuing as long as the weather permits, the MBTA contractor, J.F. White, will be performing necessary track work to replace the deteriorating concrete ties between Plymouth Station and the Rte. 3 Overhead Bridge in Kingston. During this time Plymouth Station will be closed. Train service will be provided to and from Kingston Station ONLY.
The project reflects the MBTA’s commitment to provide customers with enhanced service reliability; and is an integral part of MassDOT’s overall plan to continually maintain and improve the Commonwealth’s transportation infrastructure.
To ensure information is available to customer/residents as the project progresses, a number of communication methods will be available. Beginning Wednesday, November 3, all information pertaining to the project including work schedule, bus replacement service, and project updates will be available at the MBTA Projects page, or by calling the MBTA Customer Support Service Center at (617) 222-3200. A 24-hour hotline will be available allowing customers and residents the opportunity to call in 24 hours a day with questions and concerns regarding the project. The Hotline number will be available on the T’s website beginning November 3. Also, additional communication tools including flyers, posters, and press releases will be used to share project milestones.
See information below regarding bus replacement service; and temporary changes to Saturday, Sunday and Holiday schedules.
Monday through Fridays - A shuttle bus will be provided to take customers between the Plymouth and Kingston Stations.
Weekends and Holidays - There will be NO Shuttle Bus service to Plymouth Station on weekends or holidays. Customers are advised to use the Kingston Station.
For the duration of this project, the departure times of the following trains from Kingston will be changed:
Inbound Service Monday through Fridays
Train 060 – A bus will depart Plymouth at 10:25am taking passengers to Kingston to board Train 060 which will now depart Kingston at 10:40am arriving into Boston on its regular schedule.
Train 062 - A bus will depart Plymouth at 11:51am taking passengers to Kingston to board Train 062 which will now depart Kingston at 12:06pm arriving into Boston on its regular schedule.
Train 064 - A bus will depart Plymouth at 2:07pm taking passengers to Kingston to board Train 062 which will now depart Kingston at 2:22pm arriving into Boston on its regular schedule.
Train 066 - A bus will depart Plymouth at 7:50pm taking passengers to Kingston to board Train 062 which will now depart Kingston at 8:05pm arriving into Boston on its regular schedule.
Outbound Service Monday through Fridays
Customers on trains 061, 063, 065, and 067 on arrival at Kingston Station may board a shuttle bus which will take them to Plymouth Station.
Inbound Service - Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays
Train 1056/2056 will depart Kingston 23 minutes later at 6:55pm
Outbound Service - Saturdays Sundays and Holidays
Train 1051/2051 will arrive at Kingston at 9:07am, 26 minutes earlier
Train 1053/2053 will arrive at Kingston at 12:44pm, 33 minutes earlier.
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