Grabauskas Speaks On D Line Shutdown
Posted on June 12, 2007
Remarks delivered by MBTA General Manager Daniel A. Grabauskas at a June 12th Press Conference on the upcoming shutdown of D line service on the Green Line
The D branch of the Green Line has incurred a 10-mile per hour speed restriction at various locations along the corridor. Obviously frustrating for the customer to experience 40 miles per hour at one location only to encounter 10 miles per hour at another stretch of the line.
This is unacceptable and we are taking on an aggressive plan this Summer to address much needed maintenance that is contributing to the irregular service along the D branch.
This summer, customers and abutters will see crews replacing railroad ties that are 35 to 40 years old. Approximately 15,000 remain to be replaced; 20,000 have already been replaced over the past few years. Additional work involves Brush cutting, Cleaning and improving ditches and drainage, Rail grinding, Surfacing and aligning the track for a smoother ride, Cleaning the Right of Way and regrading the ballast.
To take the most advantage of the shutdown, workers will replace 14 miles of 50 year old power cable and 6 miles of 35 year old signal cable.
This work is critical to maintaining long-term, safe and reliable Green Line service. The project will also allow the MBTA to introduce easy-to-board, low-floor Green Line vehicles in early 2008.
While crews work on these maintenance efforts, we will take advantage of the shutdown and begin the reconstruction of two stations, Longwood and Brookline Village as well as reconstruction of the Hyde Street Bridge in Newton. The stations will remain open to revenue service throughout the construction period, which is slated for completion next summer, and the Hyde Street bridge will be complete this winter.
My staff has reached out to customers and abutters for their support and cooperation during this replacement service. Once finished, service is going to improve dramatically. The D branch On-Time-Performance will instantly improve. Customers will experience an improvement to their travel time of 6- 8 minutes. Areas that were once restricted to10 miles per hour will operate at 40 and 50 miles per hour.
This will be the first time since 1993 --- In 14 years ----that vehicles will operate at these speeds.
This is a great milestone for the D branch and in an effort to minimize the impact on Green Line customers, the summer time period has been selected to take advantage of reduced customer travel in July and August.
This project will proceed in two phases and will require bus replacement service:
• Phase I: Riverside – Reservoir June 23 - August 3
• Phase II: Reservoir – Fenway August 4 – 31
Track work will be performed between the hours of 7am and dusk – Monday through Friday. Some weekend work will be required.
During the first phase beginning Saturday, June 23rd to August 3rd
· Shuttle buses will operate Riverside – Reservoir
every 8 – 10 minutes during the weekend
· And every 5 – 8 minutes during rush hour
· We’ll provide additional buses during rush hours
· And also extra service on the Green Line’s C branch
· Some Supplemental service for customers is the Route 500 Express Bus that operates between Riverside and Federal/Franklin in Boston.
Phase II – Reservoir to Fenway
August 4 – 31
· Shuttle buses will operate Reservoir to Fenway every 3 –5 minutes during rush hour - And
* Every 4 – 10 minutes at other times of the day.
· As in Phase I, customers can also take the Route 500 Express Bus between Riverside and Federal/Franklin in Boston.
We will add more service on the C & E branches of the Green Line and we will are prepared to have sufficient buses available to accommodate customers (25 buses available during both phases).
We‘ve had inquiries about service to Fenway during Red Sox Games. Again, we are increasing service, but more importantly we are providing DIRECT SERVICE – NO STOPS from Riverside to Fenway station on game days!
We realize there are 27 games during this shutdown and we will work to ensure Red Sox fans get to Fenway. And Again, please note that July 4th we will be running regular Green Line Service on the D branch.
Throughout the summer, up-to- date information will be provided on the progress of Phase I and further information on Phase II.
Our newly revamped web site is available with information on this project and we urge customers to go to and right from the front page customers can get the most up-to-date information on this project. Also, don’t hesitate to call the T’s Customer Care Center at 617-222-3200 Monday through Friday 6:30 AM to 8:00 PM and Sat/Sun from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM.
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