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AFC 2.0 Public Advisory Meeting

Meeting Info

Date: December 11, 2018 at 6:30 PM - 8 PM

Location: Chelsea Senior Center • 10 Riley Way • Chelsea, MA

Attendees: General Public

Event Description

The MBTA is working to identify policy issues around our new automated fare collection system and will be holding conversations with users of the system to gather input on the identified issues.

The purpose of AFC 2.0 Public Advisory Meetings is to:

  • Update the public on the status of the AFC 2.0 project
  • Solicit customer feedback on upcoming policy decisions
  • React to MBTA proposed policies

These meetings will be held quarterly across the MBTA service area. This will be the second AFC 2.0 Public Advisory Meeting.

Interested in receiving more information about AFC 2.0, or getting notices about these meetings?



This meeting is accessible to people with disabilities and those with limited proficiency in English. Accessibility accommodations and language services will be provided free of charge, upon request, as available. Such services include documents in alternate formats, translated documents, assistive listening devices, and interpreters (including American Sign Language).

For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation and/or language services, please email or call 617-222-5559.

Civil Rights

Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the MBTA does not discriminate against any person in its programs, services and activities based on race, color or national origin.

To learn more about your civil rights or to file a complaint, please contact:

MBTA Title VI Specialist
Office of Diversity and Civil Rights
10 Park Plaza
Boston, MA 02116
617-222-3200 (for Relay Service, dial 711)


Para más información o para pedir arreglos razonables y/o servicios lingüísticos, por favor envíe un e-mail a o llame a 617-222-5559. Para aprender más sobre sus derechos civiles o presentar una querella, por favor llame a 617-222-3200 (marque 711 para servicio relé) o envíe un e-mail a

如需進一步瞭解或要求合理的便利設備和/或語言服務,請電郵 或致電617-222-5559。如需進一步瞭解民事權利,或提交申訴,請致電617-222-3200(中繼服務,請撥打711)或電郵

如需进一步了解或要求合理的便利设备和/或语言服务,请电邮 或致电617-222-5559。如需进一步了解民事权利,或提交申诉,请致电617-222-3200(中继服务,请拨打711)或电邮

Para mais informações, ou para solicitar serviços de acesso e/ou linguísticos em termos razoáveis, contactar por email para ou pelo telefone 617-222-5559. Para mais informações sobre os seus direitos civis ou para apresentação de queixas, contactar pelo telefone 617-222-3200 (para Relay Service marcar 711) ou por correio electrónico

Pour plus d’informations ou pour obtenir un accommodement raisonnable et/ou des services linguistiques, veuillez envoyer un courriel ou composez le 617-222-5559. Pour en savoir plus sur vos droits civils ou déposer une plainte, veuillez appeler le 617-222-3200 (pour service de relais composez 711) ou par courriel

Để biết thêm chi tiết hoặc để yêu cầu những hỗ trợ hợp lý và/hoặc các dịch vụ ngôn ngữ, vui lòng email hoặc gọi 617-222-5559. Để biết thêm về các quyền công dân của quý vị hoặc để khiếu nại, vui lòng gọi 617-222-3200 (gọi bấm 711 nếu cần Dịch vụ Chuyển tiếp) hoặc email