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Blue Hill Avenue Transportation Action Plan

bus driving down blue hill avenue

As part of our Better Bus Project and Bus Transit Priority programs, we're partnering with the City of Boston on the Blue Hill Avenue Transportation Action Plan, which will redesign the corridor between Warren Street in Grove Hall and River Street in Mattapan Square.

We’ll be working on this project’s design throughout 2024. Sign up below to be informed about upcoming opportunities to participate.

About Blue Hill Avenue

Blue Hill Avenue runs through Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan, and serves 10 bus routes with some of the highest ridership in our system.

During the week, more than 40,000 people ride buses on Blue Hill Avenue every day. Collectively, they lose 3,056 hours weekly stuck in traffic.

Rider Benefits

This project will provide riders with:

  • Reduced bus delays
  • Improved travel times
  • Improved traffic safety along the avenue
Project rendering showing future upgrades to Blue Hill Ave
Early conceptual design rendering depicting transit and multimodal upgrades at the intersection of Blue Hill Avenue and Walk Hill Street. Rendering compliments of City of Boston.

Project Features

  • Improved street space for pedestrians, drivers, transit riders, and bicyclists to reduce traffic and conflict between cars and buses
  • Center-running bus lanes for a faster and more reliable rider experience
  • Raised platforms along the bus lanes for an easier boarding experience
  • New and enhanced bus shelters
  • Traffic signal upgrades to prioritize buses and reduce traffic-related delays
  • Enhanced pedestrian safety by creating better visibility at crossings and shortened crossing distances
  • Improved pedestrian accessibility with new and upgraded crosswalks and repaired and enhanced sidewalks
  • Planting trees along the avenue
  • New amenities such as better street lighting, benches, bike parking, and public art

Community Feedback

Between May and July 2024, we collected feedback through over 600 surveys and events such as pop-up and youth workshops and open houses.

We asked community members along Blue Hill Ave about the following to inform our next steps during the project design phase:

  • Bus platform locations
  • Pedestrian safety
  • Parking
  • Green infrastructure
  • Biking

There will be more opportunities for feedback in fall 2024. 

Past Events

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More Information

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To learn more and sign up for project updates, please visit the City’s Blue Hill Avenue Transportation Action Plan page.  

Building a Better T

As part of our $9.6 billion, 5-year capital investment plan, we're renovating stations, modernizing fare collection systems, upgrading services for our buses, subways, and ferries, and improving the accessibility of the entire system.

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Better Bus Project

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Bus Transit Priority

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Building a Better T

As part of our $9.6 billion, 5-year capital investment plan, we're renovating stations, modernizing fare collection systems, upgrading services for our buses, subways, and ferries, and improving the accessibility of the entire system.

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Better Bus Project

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Bus Transit Priority

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