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MBTA Fiscal Management and Control Board Convenes First Meeting

Posted on July 21, 2015

MassDOT Press Office: 857-368-8500

BOSTON - The five-member Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority's (MBTA) Fiscal Management and Control Board (FMCB) appointed by Governor Charlie Baker convened its first public meeting today at the State Transportation Building in Boston.

The Board represents a key reform recommended by the Governor's MBTA Special Panel following unprecedented winter weather that crippled service at the MBTA.

Joseph "Joe" Aiello serves as the Chair of the FMCB. Other board members include Brian Lang, Lisa Calise, Steve Poftak and Monica Tibbits-Nutt. Calise, Poftak and Tibbits-Nutt also serve as members of the MassDOT Board.

"The people of Massachusetts deserve a world-class public transit system, and I'm pleased the Fiscal and Management Control Board is immediately convening to signal our commitment to accountability and reliability for commuters," said Governor Baker. "Legislative leaders delivered on many of the reforms we requested, and I want to thank them again for their willingness to work with us to fix the MBTA. The hard work for these individuals begins today, but I am confident in their expertise and ability to get the job done."

"Today's meeting of the Fiscal and Management Control Board marks a major first step in our efforts to set the MBTA on a course of sustainability in its management, operations, and finances. This past winter taught us two valuable lessons: first, how past financial practices and managerial decisions lead to a long list of maintenance needs that ultimately caused the transit system to struggle through the snow, ice, and freezing temperatures; second, without the T running at full service, we saw just how valuable and important the system is to mobility and our region's economy," said MassDOT Secretary and CEO Stephanie Pollack. "Establishing the Fiscal and Management Control Board and getting the MBTA back on track is a top priority for Governor Baker and me, and is a crucial tool for transforming the T. On behalf of the Baker-Polito Administration, I want to thank our partners in the Legislature for their assistance in creating the Control Board and I look forward to working with the members to start that transformation."

By statute, the MBTA FMCB consists of five members, one with experience in transportation finance, one with experience in mass transit operations and three members of the MassDOT Board. The Chair is appointed by the Secretary of Transportation.

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